Drag & Drop for Card Issuers is here!
Back-office teams know the pain of trying to reconcile multiple files from multiple sources, but that struggle can all be over with a swipe of your mouse. Our new Drag & Drop lets Card Issuers upload any file from any source, and we’ll reconcile it to the last penny.
Every day, thousands of Card Issuers and BIN Sponsors around the world begin and end their day the same way – trying to match up a file of transaction data with another file of transaction data, and praying that they line up. In most cases they don’t, launching the analyst into a journey of investigation and exceptions management, a rabbit hole that often involves many different backend systems, spreadsheets and inter-department emails.
PayTic introduces a revolutionary new tool to eliminate the burden of manual reconciliation and investigations – give us your files, and walk away, get a coffee, come back to reconciled data and a ready list of flagged transactions that need to be actioned. We’re source agnostic, so whether you’re Visa or Mastercard, use your own core banking or outsourced, we can handle it.
Contact us to learn how we can make your reconciliation process enjoyable.